Welcoming One of Our Own
Apr 4th, 2010 | By Tim A. Troutman | Category: Blog PostsOn behalf of everyone at Called to Communion, I’d like to officially welcome Tom Brown and his wife Jessica to the Catholic Church. Tom has been on a journey towards the Catholic Church for almost six years and was just received into the Church at last night’s Easter Vigil along with his wife and four sons.

Tom and Jessica Brown
Welcome home Tom and Jessica!
Wow! What an amazing story–I get a little choked up when I read/hear conversion stories. Just seeing God’s Hand at work in such powerful ways is very humbling. Welcome, and God Bless!
The link Tom and Jessica’s story doesn’t work anymore. Please, can you give us another link to the story. Please. Thanks!
It looks like their whole website has a new location. I can’t find the story. I’ll ask Tom to let you know if he can find one.