Free Books for Reformed Seminarians Closed (except for Covenant Seminary)
Dec 3rd, 2010 | By Taylor Marshall | Category: Blog PostsOur “free books for Reformed seminarians” is now closed. We received requests from all the major Reformed Seminaries (and Wheaton), except for Covenant Theological Seminary in Saint Louis. If you won, you’ll be contacted in the next day or so. The books will be mailed out this weekend.
We expanded the offer to meet the demand. Instead of giving away five copies of The Catholic Perspective on Paul, we gave away ten copies to those first ten seminarians who responded. All the brothers at Called to Communion graciously pooled together their resources and donated their own money in order to make this possible.
Like we said, CtC didn’t receive a request from a seminarian at Covenant Seminary in Saint Louis. If there is a COVENANT SEMINARIAN OUT THERE, we’ll send you a free book as well, so that all the Reformed seminaries are represented. Just send us your name and address through our onlineĀ contact form. Your name will remain anonymous.
When you’ve had a chance to read the book, we’d love to hear your feedback here at Called to Communion.
[…] know exactly where to post this. But you may be interested in this over at Called to Free Books for Reformed Seminarians Closed (except for Covenant Seminary) | Called to Communion __________________ The first step in knowing who you are is knowing who you are not. ~ Dom […]
[…] Called to Communion website. A website that specifically discusses catholic and reformed issues. Free Books for Reformed Seminarians Closed (except for Covenant Seminary) | Called to Communion __________________ The first step in knowing who you are is knowing who you are not. ~ Dom […]
I hope CTC will link to any reviews posted of this book on other sites (meaning reputable sites from intelligent people, and not Joe Blogger who can’t spell check!) :-)
I have read about half the book so far and I would expect that Protestants will have plenty to say about the claims (as many of the claims are very similar to those made during most debates on those topics, I would expect the Protestant reponses to be fairly standard also).
I just heard that David Anders will be on the Journey Home on EWTN this week. Someone should make an announcement, if you haven’t done so already! Keep up the great work!
Will there be a place or a post to discuss the book? I’d like to talk about it as well, even though I am a Lutheran layman and not a Reformed Seminarian.