Archive for May 2012

Joshua Lim’s Story: A Westminster Seminary California Student becomes Catholic

May 27th, 2012 | By | Category: Featured Articles

This a guest post by Joshua Lim. Joshua graduated this Spring from Westminster Seminary California, where he earned his MA in historical theology. He was born and raised in the PCUSA. He spent a few years in college as a Baptist before moving back to a confessional Reformed denomination (URCNA) prior to entering seminary. He […]

“Too catholic to be Catholic?” A Response to Peter Leithart

May 24th, 2012 | By | Category: Blog Posts

Dr. Peter J. Leithart, fellow at New St. Andrews College and pastor of Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, Idaho, recently posted an article at his blog that has caught the attention of many who participate in the ongoing Protestant-Catholic dialog. Last year Leithart faced disciplinary charges before the PCA for his Federal Vision theology, though […]

Update on the Anglican Ordinariates

May 17th, 2012 | By | Category: Unity in the News

Rocco Palmo of Whispers in the Loggia recently posted some up-to-date information on the continuing formation of the Anglican Ordinariates, which are canonical structures within the Roman Catholic Church for Anglicans who wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church while retaining distinctive elements of their Anglican heritage. Don’t miss the video (towards […]

Two Questions about Marriage and the Civil Law

May 13th, 2012 | By | Category: Blog Posts

Here I consider two questions. The first question is whether defending the legal recognition of marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman is imposing one’s religious views on others. The second is whether Christians should seek through the political process to maintain or change civil laws.

Bible-Reading Catholics

May 9th, 2012 | By | Category: Blog Posts

A number of people are understandably concerned that becoming Catholic means neglecting the Bible, with many being taught by their Pastors or teachers that the Catholic Church either forbids the reading of the Bible or, at the very least, does not encourage it. Many former Catholics, due either to poor formation or indifference, often perpetuate […]

Immortal Diamond: The Search of Gerard Manley Hopkins for Beauty

May 3rd, 2012 | By | Category: Blog Posts

This is a guest post by Michael Rennier. Michael received a BA in New Testament Literature from Oral Roberts University in 2002 and a Master of Divinity from Yale Divinity School in 2006. He served the Anglican Church in North America as the Rector of two parishes on Cape Cod, Massachusetts for five years. After […]