CTC Radio Link
Sep 11th, 2014 | By David Anders | Category: Blog Posts

The Called to Communion Podcast is now available at EWTN.com
Itunes podcast here:
In addition, you can listen to or watch the live stream here.
I appreciate your calls and your interest.
My new favorite radio show – thanks, Dr. Anders!
I have a question and am not able to call in. You always quote that the catholic church was started by Jesus through Peter. I don’t know any protestants that believe that Peter started the catholic church, but rather he started a church that looks just like their “protestant church.” Where is the proof that Peter actually was the beginning of the catholic church and not just a christian church?
Dear Dr. Anders,
From the time my 4 children were born, I’ve tried to teach them the Catholic Faith as I promised at their Baptism. My husband and his family discouraged this, and as I was trying to be an obedient Catholic wife, I didn’t force the faith on them. Today, one child is in rehab, one is a pregnant teenager, one is living an immoral life in LA, and the last refuses to embrace the Catholic faith. Padre Pio once ran a woman out of the confessional for seeing the state of her children’s souls. I live with guilt every day, afraid of God’s Judgement. How can I handle this fear in my soul? Thank you-Sam
Sam, please ask Jesus to free you from this burden of guilt, and especially to show you what you ARE guilty for and what you are NOT guilty for. You cannot raise perfect children if the whole world and your husband are working against you. It’s likely that the woman Padre Pio ran out of the confessional had much less excuse and much more pride, but we don’t really know about her. God is close to the broken-hearted, and you are among them. Hide yourself in His wounds, cry out your pain to Him, He does not reject you.