Theological discussions often find parties talking past each other because they don’t see eye to eye on the fundamentals. The vision behind Called to Communion was to provide a resource to address this problem and thus called for more than a standard group blog.
Guests should note that there are three categories of articles on Called to Communion. First and foremost are the peer reviewed papers or “Featured Articles”. The most current paper is the “Lead Article” and can always be found on the Home page. The site revolves around these papers. The second category is “Blog Posts”. Our blog can be found by clicking the home page and then the blog tab. Our final category is “Podcast” which may include audio or videos.
You can use this library to follow a more careful approach to these vital subjects we cover. There is no use talking about complicated issues which divide us until we can agree on the more fundamental differences in theology. To this end, we have a resource archive organized by topic which features papers published on Called to Communion alongside other sources that come highly recommended. We have also compiled this list of books which come highly recommended by our contributors. Finally, you may search our entire site or view the complete archives by clicking here.
Our glossary of terms & abbreviations can be found here.