Posts Tagged ‘ Glory ’

Where Did You Get That Halo?

Nov 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Blog Posts

There is a general presumption that the religious art seen in churches of the Apostolic Tradition inevitably leads one to idolatry. There are times when I still am overwhelmed by the beauty of the religious art which adorns the sanctuaries and naves of Catholic and Orthodox churches. But if icons and the like are truly […]

Soli Deo Gloria: A Catholic Perspective

Mar 3rd, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles

The “five solas” of the Reformation are often seen as uniquely Protestant, and to be sure, most common applications are. But examining the underlying principles of the solas from a Catholic perspective is an important task for Reformed-Catholic reconciliation. And while worthier attempts would fall short of doing justice to even one of these, in this […]