Posts Tagged ‘ John Calvin ’

Calvinian Thomism: Providence, Conservation and Concurrence in the Thought of John Calvin

Mar 13th, 2009 | By | Category: Blog Posts, Featured Articles

It is quite difficult to distinguish God’s actions from those of his creatures. Some think that God does everything; others imagine that he only conserves the force he has given to created things. How far can we say either of these opinions is right? – Leibniz, Discourse on Metaphysics VIII

Does Calvin teach that the Church ceased to exist on account of the Eucharist?

Mar 10th, 2009 | By | Category: Blog Posts

Calvin’s high view of the church doesn’t allow him to make the claim that the true Church of Christ ceased to exist between the time of the Apostles and the 16th century. However, I recently came across something in the Institutes that throws a wrench into Calvin’s consistency.

Soli Deo Gloria: A Catholic Perspective

Mar 3rd, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles

The “five solas” of the Reformation are often seen as uniquely Protestant, and to be sure, most common applications are. But examining the underlying principles of the solas from a Catholic perspective is an important task for Reformed-Catholic reconciliation. And while worthier attempts would fall short of doing justice to even one of these, in this […]

A Catholic Anaylsis of Reformed Federal Theology

Feb 28th, 2009 | By | Category: Blog Posts

Covenant or Federal Theology became formally articulated in the Calvinistic theological tradition, beginning in the 17th century. This was the era of “Reformed Scholasticism.” Beginning especially with Theodore Beza, Aristotelian methods of theological speculation began to take root in Calvinist circles (whether they were conscious of it or not). As a result, Calvinism in the […]